In the world of software development, the term software testing typically refers to an activity that checks whether the actual results of the system match its expected results, and also ensures that the system or product is defect free.
Traditional testing methodologies have been in place ever since the inception of software development. It is a process that has evolved over the ages and has been extremely effective in identifying issues with the product under test.
But with the advent of Agile software development, traditional testing methods have become incompatible, thereby paving the way for Agile testing.
Agile testing implies the act of testing program codes for bugs or execution issues within the context of the principles of Agile development process. Each methodology has its own characteristics, and the pros and cons of each varies depending on the particular project.Traditional testing is done in a phased manner and the end product is not released unless all the defects are fixed. However, Agile testing follows an iterative approach and defects in each sprint are fixed and released right away.
Agile testing is more adaptive to changing requirements than traditional testing. On the other hand, traditional testing has comprehensive documentation for future record. The testing methodology needs to be finalized based on the software development model, the type of product under development and its requirements.
Here�s an infographic to outline the key features of Agile testing and traditional testing that will help you make the right choice for your project.